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TariffAlert - Your Daily TariffAlert Service (12 month subscription)

TariffAlert - Your Daily TariffAlert Service (12 month subscription)
The new daily analytical newsletter TariffAlert focuses exclusively on the latest pricing issues in the mobile and fixed arena globally.


Each edition uses a mix of news, analysis, competitor offerings across each market and additionally includes analyst commentary to support it.


TariffAlert is unique as it does not just provide the daily output delivered straight to your inbox, it offers a monthly summary together.


A 12-month subscription includes

  • Daily deliverable (5 days, 50 weeks) with key pricing stories, delivered by email or/and accessed via website.

  • Weekly deliverable if required - includes daily deliverables and a commentary on what key stories from the week.

  • Monthly summary allowing to select news by region, country, operator, by type of product.


The TariffAlert provides  with more than just the information that is available from the operator's announcement, our analyst provides the finer details including comparing it with the old tariff and competitor’s offerings


Related products:

Tariff Trends SnapShot Service 2023, purchase the TariffAlert and the Snapshot as bundle and benefit from a 20 per cent discount.

Description   Code   Price
 excl. VAT
TariffAlert - Your Daily TariffAlert Service (12 month subscription) S0001 £1,495.00
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