
European Data Centre revenue to double over the coming 5 years

Published: Tue 10 November 2009

European Data Centre revenue is set to more than double over the five year period from 2010 to 2015, with net raised floor space to increase by 70 per cent, driven primarily by price increases


A new report by Tariff Consultancy Ltd (TCL), based on a survey of Data Centre Pricing across 19 European countries, suggests that the market for housing services will continue to see vibrant growth in pricing, raised floor space and revenue for the foreseeable future.


Called Data Centre Pricing 2010 to 2015, the report provides Data Centre pricing and forecasts for 19 of the EU25 countries, and analyses pricing of a standard 19" rack, a small cage space and a 50 KVA suite of space for each of the countries.

TCL also provides current industrial electricity pricing in the countries as it is an increasingly major component of operational Data Centre costs, and also a forecast of raised floor Data Centre space and revenue per country over the five year period from the end of 2010 to 2015.

From the report a number of trends are apparent which are impacting all Data Centre operators in Europe. They include:

  • The largest country Data Centre markets are the UK, Germany, France & Spain for both raised floor space and revenues. As of 2010, the UK accounts for 16 per cent of the raised floor space in the 19 countries followed by Germany (14 per cent), France (10 per cent), Spain (8 per cent) and Italy and the Netherlands (both on 6 per cent)


  • Whilst raised floor capacity in all markets is projected to increase by an average of 14 per cent per annum, TCL projects that revenue is to increase by some 25 per cent per year over the period from 2010 to 2015.


  • Data Centre raised floor capacity is to see the sharpest growth in Switzerland with net space doubling from 2009 to 2011 due to the impact of substantial new build capacity.


  • The health of the Data Centre sector is underlined that revenue per square metre is forecast to increase by an average of from 5 per cent to 8 per cent per annum.


  • Pricing per rack, per cage and per 50 KVA suite will continue to increase in all countries over the period.


  • Data Centre revenue across the 19 countries is forecast to increase from 3.2 Billion Euro per annum (2010) to 7.3 Billion Euro (2015) representing total growth of 125 per cent (an average of 25 per cent per annum) over the period.


  • Industrial electricity pricing are the highest in Ireland and Italy and are the lowest in Finland, France and Sweden where a large amount of electricity is generated within the country.


  • The most expensive average Data Centre countries in our survey are Denmark, Switzerland & Ireland (with rates per rack from 1,300 Euro to 1,050 Euro per month), with cage and 50 KVA pricing being significantly less (in Euro per square metre terms).


Data Centre operators are reporting stable pricing conditions, with price rises being attained in spite the economic slowdown. Although rates for large customers requiring dedicated cage space and suites remain competitive, there is a general increase in price levels which reflects the increased demand for housing, hosting and co location space.


"We believe that the future outlook for the Data Centre operator remains sound," says Margrit Sessions, Managing Director of TCL. "In general the demand for new space from the telecoms operator, the ISP, the content provider and systems integrator as well as the enterprise will allow Data Centre pricing to increase over time. Raised floor space will increase with new build facilities and the expansion of existing ones. Also operators are increasing the efficiency of their current floor space to allow the deployment of more dense applications."



Notes to Editors:

About the TCL Data Centre Pricing 2010 to 2015 report: The report includes pricing analysis for 19 of the largest Data Centre countries in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK). For those 19 country markets utilisation rates, cage rates, rack rates and 50 KVA suite rates are provided with forecasts for raised floor space.    

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